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Registration for courses
To register for courses, please contact us by email: kamountainguides@gmail or call 802-274-4112 to receive specific course information.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Participant communication, registration, enrollment and payment information provided to Kingdom Adventures Mountain Guides LLC will remain private and confidential to us and to contracted services for which certification, certificate, attendance, and/or payment records are required.
Terms and conditions
Participants must be at least 14 years of age to participate in all SOLO courses. The prices listed are for training sessions and include instructional materials and certification fees. Lodging, meals, and transportation are the responsibility of each individual participant. Enrollment in all courses is limited to 12 participants. Full payment for all courses is due at the time of registration unless previous arrangements have been made. Payment of course fees can be made online via debit or credit card. When paying for courses online, please be sure that your mailing address matches your billing address. Payment for the course serves as confirmation of your enrollment.
Refunds associated with wilderness medicine registration cancellations received within 14 days of the course start date will not be given. In this case, participants may transfer to another course date. Refunds associated with wilderness medicine course registration cancellations received outside of 15 days of the course start date will be subject to a cancellation fee of $50 for all FA courses; $100 for all WFA, AWFA, and WFR-R courses; and $150 for all WFR courses. If Kingdom Adventures Mountain Guides LLC cancels a scheduled course, all course fees will be refunded.